Pathloss 5 - Import sites from text file

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This is a step by step proceedure for importing link text files. Usually the link text files are delimited with commas or tabs, but they can also be fixed width. Pathloss 5 is flexible enough to read either.

example CSV file:

Site name 1,Site name 2,Owner code 1,Owner code 2,Call sign 1,Call sign 2,Latitude 1,Latitude
 2,Longitude 1,Longitude 2,Vertical angle (░) 1,Vertical angle (░) 2,Elevation (m) 1,Elevation (m) 
2,Tower height (m) 1,Tower height (m) 2,Antenna model 1,Antenna model 2,Antenna gain (dBi) 
1,Antenna gain (dBi) 2,Antenna gain (dBd),Antenna height (m) 1,Antenna height (m) 2,TX line model 1,TX line model 2,TX line length (m) 1,TX line length (m) 2,Connector loss (dB) 1,Connector loss (dB) 2,Miscellaneous loss (dB) 1,Miscellaneous loss (dB) 2,Antenna model 1,Antenna model 2,Antenna gain (dBi) 1,Antenna gain (dBi) 2,Antenna gain (dBd),Antenna height (m) 1,Antenna height (m) 2,TX line model 1,TX line model 2,TX line length (m) 1,TX line length (m) 2,Connector loss (dB) 1,Connector loss (dB) 2,Miscellaneous loss (dB) 1,Miscellaneous loss (dB) 2,Frequency (MHz),Polarization,Configuration 1,Configuration 2,Radio model 1,Radio model 2,TX power (dBm) 1,TX power (dBm) 2,EIRP (dBm) 1,EIRP (dBm) 2,Effective radiated power (dbm) 1,Effective radiated power (dbm) 2,Effective radiated power (watts) 1,Effective radiated power (watts) 2,RX threshold criteria 1,RX threshold criteria 2,RX threshold level (dBm) 1,RX threshold level (dBm) 2,RX threshold level (╡v) 1,RX threshold level (╡v) 2,

Woking,Fairview,,,CHW613,CHW614,55.47972222,55.83722222,-118.74722222,-118.59666667,-0.67,0.39,914.67,560.20,108.00,108.00,HPX10-58W,HPX10-58W,42.70,42.70,,79.20,55.20,EWP63-59W,EWP63-59W,90.00,65.00,0.50,0.50,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,5882.50,Horizontal,,,MDR-6706-8,MDR-6706-8,29.00,29.00,66.80,68.02,66.80,68.02,4786.30,6338.70,BER 10-3,BER 10-3,-81.00,-81.00,19.93,19.93, Fairview,Brownvale,,,CHW614,CHW615,55.83722222,56.07333333,-118.59666667,-117.87972222,-0.11,-0.24,560.20,612.84,108.00,108.00,HPX8-58W,HPX8-58W,40.80,40.80,,79.20,85.20,EWP63-59W,EWP63-59W,90.00,95.00,0.50,0.50,,,HPX8-58W,HPX8-58W,40.80,40.80,,61.20,61.20,EWP63-59W,EWP63-59W,71.00,71.00,0.50,0.50,,,5882.50,Vertical,,,MDR-6706-8,MDR-6706-8,29.00,29.00,64.91,64.66,64.91,64.66,3097.42,2924.15,BER 10-3,BER 10-3,-81.00,-81.00,19.93,19.93,

Step 1 - Open CSV file

Click View - Site List to bring up the Site index. You can also click the Site list button on the toolbar.

Site list 01.JPG

Click Import - Link text file

Import csv 01.JPG

Select the text file you would like to import and click Open

Step 2 - Importing

We will be importing a CSV file that consists of one line per link